Are you struggling to figure out how to support your students to learn math? Perhaps you are a teacher and are looking better ways to help your students learn?
Whole Class Mathematics Discussions: Improving –in-depth mathematical thinking is a resource for teachers to think about how to facilitate whole-class discussions by attending to the process of planning and teaching. Click on the following blog link to access tons of resources and tools to help you transform your classroom.
Many other resources are also available in the Nevada Mathematics Project link. If you have any great links that you would like me to add to the blog let me know. Email me a link at
News Story: Nevada Today: Mathematics teaching collaboration impacts thousands of kids in Nevada
One of the hardest things as education leaders is to find time to focus on instruction. You have so many things on your plate and limited time. The Whole Class Discussion book can be used as a study guide. One of the most powerful things you can do is to facilitate learning teams. This is when you get a group of individuals together to identify a problem, study research and try things out in the classroom. Grade level teams or sometimes having a teacher pick a buddy helps. Do what makes sense and what is feasible.
The Whole Class Mathematics Discussions: Improving in-depth Mathematical Thinking and Learning book provides a structure to transform teaching towards more standard-based approaches. The blog contains tons of resources.
The leadership books will help you figure out how to put teams together to solve problems with innovative solutions. You will also find ideas no how to support your team to learn and use meeting time efficiently. Click here to learn about Innovative K-12 Leaders Interviewed and Click here to learn about world-renowned scholars and a business leaders perspective on leadership. You will also find resources that they developed to improve teaching and learning.
Click here for a downloadable copy of the Whole Class Discussion Framework. This is a 3-page document that outlines the most important part of teaching that you must attend to in the classroom effectively implement standards-based teaching and get results!!!
CHECK OUT INNOVATIVE LEADER LINKS for additional ideas and resources to improve instruction
Need more help?
If you need research-based professional development support you can contact us at Nevada Mathematics Initiative: We have a team that can help you.
What can we do?
- Speaking and workshops
- Grant funded workshop/research
- Networking with other teachers and districts